Influence of Social Media in Modern Day Real Estate

Influence of Social Media in Modern Day Real Estate


It’s easy to be sceptical when trying something new. Changing brands of cars or cell phones, for example, seems easy enough, but we have built a relationship that has worked, and most cases these relationships become hard to leave. We commonly find ourselves sticking with what we ‘know’.

Change and Progression are good.

We recently revamped our marketing campaign to expand our market presence and reach- which naturally included the discussion on the value of social media.

My position was simple- most of the people which we follow on Facebook or Instagram are not in the market for a house. Nick had another angle- which was that it will create a portal to which friends will direct other friends. So we decided to include it in our marketing plan, and give it a try.

The ad went live on The Kore Teams Facebook page, and seven days later we observed the following:

  • Total Reach hit over 3000 people!
  • The ad was shared 18 times
  • Direct clicks on the ad was over 500, with a direct link to The Kore Team Website!

Talk about exposure!

The bottom line is that with this much attention, we don’t think its a stretch that one of these leads could result in the purchase of this home- we will know soon. Needless to say, Social Media has earned a spot in our marketing strategy!
In a continued approach to better or marketing campaign we have just received or Social Marketer and E-Agent Designation.


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