Wasaga Beach Construction Projects Reach a Milestone!

Progress can always be measured…

Aside from the 18-20% population increase in the past 7 years, we now have more supporting data that shows that Wasaga Beach continues to move in the ‘right’ direction, economically.

Last year, 2017, $108 million dollars in construction projects in the beach were recorded, spread out over 674 building permits. This figure is more than double from two years ago, 2015, where $53 million in construction projects were recorded, over 533 permits.

In short, the projects being undertaken are substantially up in value, meaning that developers and residents see the value in investing here, and in their homes, respectively.

All this leads to one thing- people see the value here more than ever! As the horizons of the GTA extend north, and the surrounding cities become suitable homes for new industry, Wasaga Beach becomes a very viable solution to the high home prices south of us.

Thinking about making a move, give us a call 😉

Source of Stats: https://www.wasagabeach.com/Whats%20New%20and%20Public%20Notices%20Documents/Press%20release%20building%20stats.pdf






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